# Nov. 27 “Japan Day” at HCMC University of Technology

Thank you for your reading my blog.
This is the first time to show my blog in English.
This blog have started from 2006 by Japanese description.
Well, I initiate to describe by English for almost Vietnamese connected by SNS.

* Join “JAPAN DAY”on Nov. 27 *

For the invitation from Japanese universities alumni club in HCMC,
I have a seminar on November 27.
I’m use to held the seminar for IT business, but this time my theme is different.
The theme of my seminar is “method of working in Japan”.
As you know, some conditions are necessary to work at Japan.
In this time, I’ll show the conditions and situation for university graduates and graduand.
I’ll talk in the seminar based on my experience.
Moreover, we have a booth for advice and interview in the event.
I’d really appreciated it if you interested and come to this event.
